Frequently asked questions

Alamea products are only suitable for women? Yes and no!. Our products primarily offer women solutions for often challenging situations during pregnancy and motherhood. But our marketing department has found that around 40% of orders, especially for our baby seat, are placed by men. Experience has shown that men use our baby seat more often than women!

Can I adjust the pregnancy belt? Yes! It was developed so that the material can adapt to your growing belly. Of course the material also has its limits. That's why you should take our size recommendations for your respective trimester into account before you buy, as this will save you time, money and a lot of additional work for us.

Can the pregnancy belt be washed? Yes, it can and it should, even if it is often worn directly on the skin! By hand in lukewarm water with mild detergent.

I have had pain in my legs and lower back since I became pregnant. Should I use the pregnancy belt?

The whole thing varies from person to person, that's why:

If you are unsure, write us a message to support@alamea-shop.com und we will do our best to give you individual information about your concerns. If you have previous illnesses such as herniated discs or scoliosis etc., our pregnancy belt can give you a very good, immediate, improving effect, but also have a very good preventative effect to avoid illnesses such as herniated discs or SIJ problems.

This is what you need to know in such cases:
We are not doctors. You should always consult a doctor first and foremost. He can give you an exact answer to your problems and advise you.

My doctor diagnosed me with SIJ, which was caused by pregnancy. Is wearing a pregnancy belt a good idea? Unfortunately, SIJ complaints are more common during pregnancy. They are caused by certain hormonal changes that optimally prepare the pregnant woman's body for childbirth. Even if the symptoms are often severe, you should not adopt a protective posture, but rather move actively.

That's where our back support belt/maternity belt comes in!

Our pregnancy belt was specially developed to optimally relieve the strain on your back and pelvic area, make you more agile, and relieve pain in the back/pelvic area from the first minute of use. It should encourage you to stay active, because this is very important and can even have a positive effect on the development of your Keiki!

In general, we advise you to make exercise part of your daily routine (as long as you can, of course).Just as important as the food you eat that nourishes your keiki, your keiki does every workout and every walk with you!

 Are the baby items safe for my child?

The health and positive development of your baby is of the utmost importance to us. The quality of our baby items is constantly tested in various quality inspections. Of course, they meet the requirements of the SGS and FDA guidelines.

That's why we work with the best suppliers and raw material traders on the market.