Beautiful Hawaiian baby names and their meanings for boys and girls

Hawaii is an idyllic destination known for its stunning nature, warm temperatures and friendly people. But Hawaii has another treasure to offer: its naming culture. The Hawaiian naming culture is unique and offers parents a variety of names that are deeply rooted in Hawaiian history and culture.

Hawaiian names for boys

If you are looking for a unique and culturally rich name for your son, you should take a closer look at Hawaiian names for boys. Here are some of the most popular Hawaiian names for boys and their meanings:

  • Koa: Koa means “brave” or “bold”. 
  • Keoni: Keoni is a Hawaiian name that means "gift from God." 
  • Kalani: Kalani means "heavenly" or "heaven". 
  • Kamea: Kamea means "beautiful". 
  • Kamuela: means "God is my king".
  • Keli'i: means "The Ruler".
  • Kian: Kian means “God is merciful”.
  • Makana: Makana means "The Gift One".
  • Nainoa: Nainoa means "The Sailor".

Hawaiian names for girls

Hawaii also offers a variety of names for girls that are unique and full of meaning. Here are some of the most popular Hawaiian names for girls and their meanings:

  • Leilani: Leilani means “queen of heaven” or “precious flower”. 
  • Nohea: Nohea means "pretty" or "lovely".
  • Halia: Halia means "memory of the sea". 
  • Aloha: Aloha means “love” or “compassion”.
  • Keala: Keala means "path".
  • Mahina: Mahina means "moon".
  • Nohea: Nohea means "Beautiful".
  • Pali: Pali means "cliff".

As with all names, it is important to note that the meaning of a name is unique to each person and that the meanings of names can often be interpreted differently.

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