Trimming your baby's nails can be challenging, but it is something that needs to be done sooner or later. Your baby's nails are developing before conception and may be ready for a manicure as early as the first week of life.
Using scissors near your baby's little fingers can be scary, but it's necessary. While these nails are softer and more pliable than those of adults, they can still be sharp enough to scratch your baby's skin, especially on the face. So be ready and get to work.
Do you absolutely have to trim your baby's nails?
Unfortunately the answer is: yes. As a parent, it's one of those tasks you don't want to do but still have to do. Your baby's nails should be trimmed regularly to protect him and prevent accidental scratches.
When is the best time to trim your baby's nails?
There is no set time to trim a baby's nails. You can cut them if they get too long. However, keep in mind that babies' nails grow faster than adults' and usually need to be trimmed once a week.
These are our recommendations for trimming baby nails!
Use suitable scissors or a nail trimmer set. There are special scissors and nail trimmers for newborns that are particularly gentle and safe. Avoid using regular scissors as they can easily break or damage the skin.
Wait until the baby sleeps. It's easiest to trim nails when baby is sleeping because it keeps him still and you can easily grasp his hands.
Keep the baby safe. Wrap the baby in a blanket or place him on a soft surface to keep him from moving. You can also place a hand under the baby's head to support him.
Cut the nails straight. Cut the nails straight across the edge without rounding the corners. Avoid cutting too deep as this could injure the baby.
Pay attention to the fingernails and toenails. Trim both fingernails and toenails to avoid injury.
It's important to be careful and work slowly when trimming your baby's nails to avoid injury. If you do cut away a piece of skin, it will be painful for your baby and it will bleed. You can then stop the bleeding with a cotton pad. Apply light pressure to the wound with the cotton pad or a cotton ball and, if possible, close the wound with a plaster.
The simplest...
is when you simply use an electric baby nail file, which files the nails gently and quietly.
The electric baby nail file is the perfect way to care for the nails of newborns and small children safely and painlessly. With its powerful motor and various attachments, it is able to file your baby's nails quickly and precisely without hurting their sensitive skin. Thanks to its ergonomic design, the file is easy to hold and use, even for parents with smaller hands. It is also quiet and low-vibration, so it doesn't disturb or distract your baby!
In our shop you will find the innovative baby nail trimmer that files/trimms your baby's nails safely, gently and with ease! Click here!