Alamea blog posts

Das Band des Vaters mit seinem Baby!

The father's bond with his baby!

The bond between father and child is one of the most important and strongest bonds there is. It begins in the womb and can be reinforced through shared experiences and...

The father's bond with his baby!

The bond between father and child is one of the most important and strongest bonds there is. It begins in the womb and can be reinforced through shared experiences and...

Was ist der Extrusionsreflex und welche Funktion hat er?

What is the extrusion reflex and what is its fu...

The extrusion reflex is an important part of the human body that plays a significant role in regulating gastrointestinal activity. This reflex is activated when something in the stomach pushes...

What is the extrusion reflex and what is its fu...

The extrusion reflex is an important part of the human body that plays a significant role in regulating gastrointestinal activity. This reflex is activated when something in the stomach pushes...

Warum lächelt ein Baby im Schlaf? - Eine ausführliche Analyse

Why does a baby smile in sleep? - A detailed an...

Babies often smile in their sleep, which can be surprising and even confusing for many parents. However, it is a completely natural process that is observed in many newborns. In...

Why does a baby smile in sleep? - A detailed an...

Babies often smile in their sleep, which can be surprising and even confusing for many parents. However, it is a completely natural process that is observed in many newborns. In...

Kann ein Baby an den Strand gehen?

Can a baby go to the beach?

A beach holiday is a great way to enjoy the sun and the sea. But is it safe for babies to go to the beach? Here are some important considerations...

Can a baby go to the beach?

A beach holiday is a great way to enjoy the sun and the sea. But is it safe for babies to go to the beach? Here are some important considerations...

Infantile Dyschezie - Eine unerklärliche Beschwerde bei Kleinkindern

Infantile Dyschezia - An unexplained complaint ...

Infantile dyschezia, also known as intestinal-pelvic floor dysfunction, is an unpleasant and sometimes painful condition that can occur in young children. Although there is no known cause of infantile dyschezia,...

Infantile Dyschezia - An unexplained complaint ...

Infantile dyschezia, also known as intestinal-pelvic floor dysfunction, is an unpleasant and sometimes painful condition that can occur in young children. Although there is no known cause of infantile dyschezia,...

Warum pressen Babys so oft? – Ursachen und Lösungen

Why do babies push so often? – causes and solut...

Having babies can be a wonderful experience, but it can also bring many challenges, such as constant pushing. It's important to understand what causes babies to push so often and...

Why do babies push so often? – causes and solut...

Having babies can be a wonderful experience, but it can also bring many challenges, such as constant pushing. It's important to understand what causes babies to push so often and...