The best tips for clean baby teeth

As a parent, you naturally want your child's teeth to remain healthy and strong. There are a lot of things you can do in the first few years of life to prevent tooth decay and other dental problems. In this article we would like to give you our best tips for sparkling clean baby teeth.

Why are baby teeth so important?

Many parents think that the baby teeth that children get in the first few years of life will fall out again at some point and are therefore not that important. However, this is a fallacy. The milk teeth serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth and therefore also influence the position of the teeth in adulthood. They also play an important role in the proper development of the jaw and in chewing solid foods. It is therefore important to also take good care of your baby teeth.

When should you start dental care?

You can begin dental care shortly after the first tooth emerges. It is advisable to use a small children's toothbrush and carefully clean your teeth twice a day. The use of toothpaste containing fluoride makes sense from the age of 2, as children at this age are already able to swallow a sufficient amount of the paste.

How to teach children to brush their teeth?

In order to teach children to brush their teeth, it is important to make it palatable to them right from the start. Here, for example, you can use child-friendly toothpastes with a delicious taste. You can also turn brushing your teeth into a real brushing party and sing or tell a story with your child while they brush their teeth.

You should start visiting the dentist already?

Yes, it is important to start visiting the dentist at an early age. Ideally, the first time should take place at the age of one year or even earlier. This allows the dentist to identify potential problems early and treat them before they become more serious. The dentist can also give the child and parents valuable tips on how to best care for the child's teeth to avoid tooth decay and other problems.

In addition to regular visits to the dentist, there are other important factors that contribute to healthy tooth development:

    1. Pay attention to a healthy diet: A balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals contributes to healthy teeth. Avoid sugary and acidic foods as these can corrode your teeth.

    2. Care for milk teeth: Milk teeth are important for the proper development of the jaw and for providing space for permanent teeth. It is important to take proper care of these teeth to avoid tooth decay and other problems.

    3. Regular dental care: Daily dental care with a toothbrush and toothpaste is important to avoid plaque and tooth decay. Make sure your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day.

    4. Avoid sucking your thumb: Sucking your thumb can lead to misalignment of the teeth and should be avoided.

    5. Avoid sucking on the bottle: Sucking on the bottle, especially at night, can lead to so-called bottle tooth decay. It is therefore important that your baby does not suck on the bottle for too long and that he has a clean drinking vessel at night and during the day. A hygienic drinking bottle made of robust glass is particularly suitable here. The surface properties of glass prevent bacteria from forming. It can also be cleaned at high temperatures without developing toxins. Which is not the case with plastic!

    6. The use of a child protection lip balm: Such a balm can prevent the child from biting their lips while sleeping and thereby prevent tooth decay bacteria from entering the oral cavity.


    1. When should the first visit to the dentist take place? It is recommended that the first visit to the dentist takes place at the age of one year or earlier.

    2. What can I do to care for my child's milk teeth? The milk teeth should be brushed regularly and attention should be paid to a healthy diet.

    3. How often should my child brush their teeth? It is recommended that children brush their teeth at least twice a day.

    4. What should you pay attention to in terms of nutrition to keep your child's teeth healthy? Avoid sugary and sticky foods and pay attention to a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Be sure to study this topic if you want your baby to develop healthy teeth. Be sure to visit a dentist you trust if you notice that something is wrong with your baby's teeth!

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